Support, assistance and advising service

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that Cammelli offers, where specifically requested, consulting service for preparation of whole factories, from the receipt of the raw materials to the dispatch of the finished garment, using specific external consultants, and its own trained personnel, for the preparation of basic design for the study of the workplace and related accessories, for the preparation of the machines in our own workshop,  for the installation in the place of destination, by providing service on site, also after the end of the start-up of the production line.
Last but not less important, Cammelli developed its own foreign shipping department, that can be integrated with a tailored logistic service "on-demand".

Cammelli - Via delle industrie 9 - Crocetta del Montello - 31035 - TV - Italy
Tel.: +39.329.3319120 - Fax: +39.0423.839922 - e-mail: - Sito Web:

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